Hello Chris
There is the current state:
* The root pom.xml now compile the following modules:
- unidataCommon (include also the sources from the "common" directory)
- grib
- opendap
- cdm (actually "netcdf")
I verified that the "unidataCommon", "grib" and "opendap" JAR files produced by
Maven have a content very similar to the one that we get from the download page.
The "cdm" (a.k.a. "netcdf" module) compile, but still work in progress.
NetCDF have a dependency to com.sleepycat.je, which is available on the
http://download.oracle.com/maven repository. This violate the requirement to
depends only on Maven Central. However since I think that this dependency is
optional at runtime (can someone from Unidata confirm?), maybe we can declare
this dependency as <scope>provided</scope>.
NetCDF also have a dependency to VisAD-nodods, which is deployed on
http://maven.geotoolkit.org repository. I'm not aware of an other repository.
Same issue than above, and same proposed solution.
Mavenizing NetCDF is already quite a large amount of work; I don't really feel
up to mavenizing VisAD too...
If anyone feel ready to test, please follow the instruction in that page: