[netcdf-java] THREDDSMetadata in NetCDF files

Hello all

I'm currently working on improvement of NetCDF support in Geotoolkit.org. Among my tasks, I'm working on a "NetCDF <-> ISO 19115" metadata mapping. I'm using the ncISO mapping as a basis:
 * http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsl/nciso2.0/UnidataDD2MI.xsl

I'm not very familiar with this syntax, but my understanding of lines like:

<xsl:variable name="id" as="xs:string*" 

is that an "id" attribute is search in the "THREDDSMetadata" group inside the NetCDF file. Is that right? I have not been able to find an example of NetCDF file having such group on internet. Does anyone have such example NetCDF file? (not XML). The NetCDF Subversion repository in its cdm/src/test/data/thredds/cataloggen/testData/model/ directory contains only empty files...


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