Hi Jake,
Sorry, try NetcdfDataset.openFile( datasetURL)
If that doesn't work with your "http://..."; dataset URL, try changing
the "http" to "dods", like this "dods://...".
On 10/21/2011 9:30 AM, Jake Sheck wrote:
> Thank you Ethan,
> I ended up trying DODSNetcdfFile because it was the only way I could
> get the netcdf library to read from nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/thredds without
> a Content Length error, or Range Access error. I was hoping that there
> was some header that I could add to my request that would allow me to
> query the thredds dods server with these features. The netcdf version
> which I am using 4.2.20, seems to only have static method for dods via
> open(String location, int buffer_size, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask
> cancelTask, Object iospMessage) which nomads at ncdc doesn't seem to
> support.
> Can netcdf make a query equivilent to
> Thank You
> Jacob Sheck