On 12/13/2011 3:58 PM, Glenn Comiskey wrote:
Just to confirm I have tried using "joinExisting" declaring the "time"
dimension but it fails:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<catalog name="test"
<service name="odap" serviceType="OpenDAP" base="/thredds/dodsC/" />
<dataset name="gsc" ID="gsc" urlPath="gsc">
<netcdf xmlns="http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/namespaces/netcdf/ncml-2.2">
<aggregation dimName="time" type="joinExisting">
1) so now that ive looked on one of these files, i understand better.
this could work in NcML, but you will have to add all the CF coordinate
information in the ncml, as theres none in the file.
2) however it all may be in the global attributes (see below), and could
be pulled out by a CoordSysBuilder Java class.
to the group: has anyone done anything like this for the ROMS dataset?
:type = "ROMS history file";
:title = "Malaysia 1/36 degree resolution";
:date = "";
:rst_file = "../Output/malaysia_rst.nc";
:his_file = "../Output/fcst_malaysia_122708_123008.0000.nc";
:avg_file = "../Output/malaysia_avg.nc";
:grd_file = "../../Data/roms_grd.nc";
:ini_file = "malaysia_rst.nc";
:frc_file = "../../Data/roms_frc_NCEP1_Y2010M12.nc";
:theta_s = 5.0f; // float
:theta_s_expl = "S-coordinate surface control parameter";
:theta_b = 0.0f; // float
:theta_b_expl = "S-coordinate bottom control parameter";
:Tcline = 30.0f; // float
:Tcline_expl = "S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width";
:Tcline_units = "meter";
:hc = 10.0f; // float
:hc_expl = "S-coordinate parameter, critical depth";
:hc_units = "meter";
:sc_w = -1.0f, -0.96875f, -0.9375f, -0.90625f, -0.875f, -0.84375f,
-0.8125f, -0.78125f, -0.75f, -0.71875f, -0.6875f, -0.65625f, -0.625f,
-0.59375f, -0.5625f, -0.53125f, -0.5f, -0.46875f, -0.4375f, -0.40625f,
-0.375f, -0.34375f, -0.3125f, -0.28125f, -0.25f, -0.21875f, -0.1875f,
-0.15625f, -0.125f, -0.09375f, -0.0625f, -0.03125f, 0.0f; // float
:sc_w_expl = "S-coordinate at W-points";
:Cs_w = -1.0f, -0.85533106f, -0.7315868f, -0.6257399f, -0.5352009f,
-0.45775497f, -0.39150748f, -0.3348377f, -0.28635934f, -0.2448864f,
-0.2094043f, -0.17904502f, -0.15306588f, -0.13083129f, -0.11179732f,
-0.095498346f, -0.081535615f, -0.06956755f, -0.059301384f,
-0.050485946f, -0.042905584f, -0.036374856f, -0.030733991f,
-0.025844999f, -0.021588271f, -0.017859675f, -0.014567994f, -0.0116327f,
-0.008981987f, -0.0065510063f, -0.0042802887f, -0.0021142827f, 0.0f; //
:Cs_w_expl = "S-coordinate stretching curves at W-points";
:sc_r = -0.984375f, -0.953125f, -0.921875f, -0.890625f, -0.859375f,
-0.828125f, -0.796875f, -0.765625f, -0.734375f, -0.703125f, -0.671875f,
-0.640625f, -0.609375f, -0.578125f, -0.546875f, -0.515625f, -0.484375f,
-0.453125f, -0.421875f, -0.390625f, -0.359375f, -0.328125f, -0.296875f,
-0.265625f, -0.234375f, -0.203125f, -0.171875f, -0.140625f, -0.109375f,
-0.078125f, -0.046875f, -0.015625f; // float
:sc_r_expl = "S-coordinate at W-points";
:Cs_r = -0.9248417f, -0.79104364f, -0.6765975f, -0.5787034f,
-0.49496666f, -0.42333865f, -0.36206707f, -0.30965304f, -0.26481432f,
-0.22645392f, -0.19363344f, -0.16554998f, -0.14151648f, -0.12094502f,
-0.103332326f, -0.08824753f, -0.07532161f, -0.06423833f, -0.054726567f,
-0.046553623f, -0.039519552f, -0.033452284f, -0.028203381f,
-0.023644442f, -0.019663934f, -0.01616448f, -0.013060469f,
-0.010275968f, -0.007742855f, -0.0053991624f, -0.003187553f,
-0.0010539234f; // float
:Cs_r_expl = "S-coordinate stretching curves at RHO-points";
:ntimes = 2160; // int
:ndtfast = 60; // int
:dt = 120.0f; // float
:dtfast = 2.0f; // float
:nwrt = 30; // int
:ntsavg = 0; // int
:ntsavg_expl = "starting time-step for accumulation of time-averaged
:navg = 1000000000; // int
:navg_expl = "number of time-steps between time-averaged records";
:visc2 = 0.0f; // float
:visc2_expl = "Laplacian mixing coefficient for momentum";
:visc2_units = "meter2 second-1";
:tnu2 = 0.0f; // float
:tnu2_expl = "Laplacian mixing coefficient for tracers";
:tnu2_units = "meter2 second-1";
:Zob = 0.01f; // float
:Zob_expl = "VonKarman/Prandtl log layer : roughness scale";
:Zob_units = "meter";
:Cdb_max = 0.01f; // float
:Cdb_min = 1.0E-4f; // float
:Cdb_expl = "Range of quadratic drag coefficient";
:rho0 = 1025.0f; // float
:rho0_expl = "Mean density used in Boussinesq approximation";
:rho0_units = "kilogram meter-3";
:gamma2 = 1.0f; // float
:gamma2_expl = "Slipperiness parameter";
:x_sponge = 40000.0f; // float
:v_sponge = 50.0f; // float