Hi Martin,
Sorry the artifacts.unidata.ucar.edu got into the POM before it goes
public. We should have artifacts.unidata.ucar.edu publicly available
before the first stable 4.3 release.
On 2/10/2012 10:32 AM, Martin Desruisseaux wrote:
> Hello John
> Le 09/02/12 21:19, John Caron a écrit :
>> Announcing Netcdf-Java / CDM version 4.3.8 BETA
> Thanks for announcement. For Maven users, I deployed this release to the
> following Maven repository:
> http://maven.geotoolkit.org/
> I used version number 4.3.7 because I noticed that this is the version
> declared in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF files of the JAR files present in
> the "release" directory. This leave number 4.3.8 available for the final
> release.
> I noticed that the root pom.xml declares a Maven repository at
> http://artifacts.unidata.ucar.edu:8081/content/repositories/thredds but
> I have been unable to access this server. Consequently I had to edit the
> pom.xml myself (e.g. changing the version number from 4.3.5-SNAPSHOT to
> 4.3.7). The pom.xml deployed on maven.geotoolkit.org may be slightly
> different than the ones deployed on artifacts.unidata.ucar.edu, but the
> binary JAR files should be strictly identical to the JAR that John has
> provided in the release directory since I deployed those JAR files
> directly (I did not compiled them myself).
> I have updated the GeoAPI wrappers ( http://www.geoapi.org/geoapi-netcdf
> ) to use this new NetCDF 4.3.7 release. I will post the JUnit test
> results later (I have not yet completed their connection to the GIGS tests).
> Regards,
> Martin
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Ethan Davis UCAR Unidata Program
edavis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.unidata.ucar.edu