Hi, I am trying to open and read data from the NetCDF CF-1.6 compliant file attached. Data are from a APEX profile so we use the representation H.6.2<http://cf-pcmdi.llnl.gov/documents/cf-conventions/1.6/cf-conventions.html#idp8438928> . I have tried to open it as TrajectoryFeature but I get the follwing error. Java code: > TrajectoryFeature trajectoryFeature = (TrajectoryFeature) > FeatureDatasetFactoryManager.open(ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType.TRAJECTORY, > netCdfFileLocation, null, log); > System.out.println(log.toString()); Log output: > Table TopScalars/PsuedoStructure(time)/MultidimPseudo(time,depth) > featureType SECTION doesnt match desired type TRAJECTORY > **Failed to find FeatureDatasetFactory for= > /home/ksebastian/opendap/observational/drifter/profiler_drifter/argo_drifter_apex001-ime_apex001/L1/2012/dep0001_argo-drifter-apex001_ime-apex001_L1_2012-03-11.nc > datatype=TRAJECTORY I know the APEX dataset is a trajectory profile but there isn't a FeatureType.TRAJECTORY_PROFILE. So, is there any way to open as TrajectoryFeature or similar class? Thanks. -- Kristian Sebastian Blalid SOS Division: Data Center Technical Tel: 971439860 - Fax: 971439979 E-mail: kristian.sebastian@xxxxxxxx <sonia.gomara@xxxxxxxx> / kristian.sebastian@xxxxxx <sonia.gomara@xxxxxx>
Description: Cdf file