I have a problem with aggregation by longitude dimension of two netcdf files:
The first one ranges from -35 to 0 (originally from 350 to 360, but I changed
it) and the second one from 0 to 25
The HTML Access to files and aggregations is in:
My aggregation ncml code is below, I already did an joinexisting aggregation by
latitude with other datasets with success, but I cannot make it work this one:
I don't know if the error comes from longitude units, from files or from
aggregation. Someone could help me?
<dataset name="JOINEXISTING AGGREGATION" ID="Agg2.nc" urlPath="Agg2.nc">
<netcdf xmlns="http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/namespaces/netcdf/ncml-2.2">
<aggregation dimName="lon" type="joinExisting">
location="file:/media/HIST_DATA/SEAWIFS_MONTHLY_9km_BB/monthly_E.nc" />
location="file:/media/HIST_DATA/SEAWIFS_MONTHLY_9km_BB/monthly_Wx.nc" />
<!--<scan location="/media/HIST_DATA/SEAWIFS_MONTHLY_9km_BB/"
suffix=".nc" subdirs="false"/>-->
In case of I also tried the tiled aggregation without success....
<dataset name="TILED AGGREGATION" ID="Agg.nc" urlPath="Agg.nc">
<netcdf xmlns="http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/namespaces/netcdf/ncml-2.2">
<aggregation dimName="lon" type="tiled">
location="file:/media/HIST_DATA/SEAWIFS_MONTHLY_9km_BB/monthly_E.nc" />
location="file:/media/HIST_DATA/SEAWIFS_MONTHLY_9km_BB/monthly_Wx.nc" />
Yolanda Sagarminaga Investigador Principal Principal Investigator
Área y Unidad de investigación
Area and Research Division
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