I am developing a new IOSP for reading coverage data from a rasdaman server and
I noticed that in the opendap query dataset form of the THREDDS data server,
when I am asked to input the range for data of the type Grid, the default
option is 0:1:0 instead of the full range as with other variables.
Is this intended? I poked around and I found this query form that has the same
If it is not intended, how can I make it display the full range?
Here is my data structure so far:
Dataset {
Float64 Lat[Lat = 886];
Float64 Long[Long = 711];
Grid {
Int32 pixel_value[Lat = 886][Long = 711];
Float64 Lat[Lat = 886];
Float64 Long[Long = 711];
} pixel_value;
Thanks in advance,