[netcdf-java] sample code for reading multidim vlen variable

Is there sample code somewhere for reading a multidimensional variable
where some of the dimensions are vlen, e.g., myVar[dimA][*][*] ?

I found
but the temp variable just has the one dimension.

Just calling myVar.read() doesn't work(java.io.IOException) -- I suspect
because it would be useless without knowing all the subdimension sizes.

Is there a way to get a flattened version of the data and dimensions?
e.g., have myVar[dimA][*][*] flattened into
a  b  c myVar
0  0  0  1.2
0  0  1  1.4
0  1  0  1.6
1  0  0  1.1
1  0  1  1.3
1  0  2  1.4
1  1  0  1.7
1  1  1  1.1
1  2  0  1.2

Or, can you give me general advice on how to get the data out of a variable
like this?
Do I need to iterate through the dimA values, and do separate read()s for
each value of a, then separate reads for each value of that dimension?

Thank you.


Bob Simons
IT Specialist
Environmental Research Division
NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
99 Pacific St., Suite 255A      (New!)
Monterey, CA 93940               (New!)
Phone: (831)333-9878            (New!)
Fax:   (831)648-8440
Email: bob.simons@xxxxxxxx

The contents of this message are mine personally and
do not necessarily reflect any position of the
Government or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
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