The National Weather Service is using this library to extract forecast data
from IFPS Convention NetCDF files. We extract the data into ArrayDouble,
ArrayInt...etc in some methods.
We also use the library to extract the values at grid points to generate a
reference grid that is stored in a MongoDB database.
We are working on other applications where the library will be useful at
that level.
On Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 5:14 PM, dmh@xxxxxxxx <dmh@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I am trying to see who is directly using the Unidata
> netcdf-java library? This is the client-side library
> and typical use would be using the CDM API. e.g.
> etc
> and the Array API e.g.
> etc.
> If you are programming at this level, could you send me an
> email (below) indicating who you are at either the individual or
> organizational level?
> Note: users of ToolsUI only need not respond since that would be
> an indirect use of the library.
> =Dennis Heimbigner
> Unidata
> dmh@xxxxxxxx
> _______________________________________________
> NOTE: All exchanges posted to Unidata maintained email lists are
> recorded in the Unidata inquiry tracking system and made publicly
> available through the web. Users who post to any of the lists we
> maintain are reminded to remove any personal information that they
> do not want to be made public.
> netcdf-java mailing list
> netcdf-java@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Kevin Off
Internet Dissemination Group, Kansas City
Shared Infrastructure Services Branch
National Weather Service
Software Engineer / Ace Info Solutions, Inc.