I do not know if ncdump supports conversion to CSV, but conversion from
CDL to CSV should be a straightforward text processing exercise, once
you decide how to handle the structured and multidimensional nature of
the data.
Because all supported GRIB files can opened wherever NetCDF files can be
opened, you could instead write a Java application to extract the
information you want into CSV. See the NetCDF-Java documentation for
examples of how to open a NetCDF file (GRIB files will work the same).
This might be a more direct solution than text processing. I would also
consider why you are using CSV; is this the final data format? Your
application could instead target your final data format.
NetCDF-Java does not use file extensions to detect file type; it looks
for magic numbers at the start of the file and detects the file type
automatically. All file extensions (and files with no extension) should
work. GRIB1, GRIB2, NetCDF-3, and NetCDF-4 are all supported (and some
others). Some GRIB GDS templates (coordinate reference systems) are not
supported. I do not know what an ".op" file is.
Kind regards,
On 30/07/17 12:22, Satyakam Acharya wrote:
Hi Ben,
First of thanks a lot for your response.
We are converting all our input files in .csv format, for loading into our HDFS
repository for further analysis purpose.
Types of extensions we are trying to convert to csv are as below
.grb (version 1 and 2)
Can all these be handled by the jar ?
-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Caradoc-Davies [mailto:ben@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2017 4:02 PM
To: Satyakam Acharya <Satyakam.Acharya@xxxxxxx>; netcdf-java@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: (External):Re: [netcdf-java] NetCDF All Jar
it appears that Grib2Dump was removed in 2013.
What output format do you want? The CDM utility "ncdump" also reads GRIB
files, or you could use "nccopy" to convert GRIB to NetCDF:
Dump to CDL:
java -Xmx1g -cp /path/to/netcdfAll-4.6.10.jar ucar.nc2.NCdumpW
data/grib2/ndfd.wmo -cdl > ndfd.cdl
Copy to NetCDF-3:
java -Xmx1g -cp /path/to/netcdfAll-4.6.10.jar ucar.nc2.write.Nccopy -i
data/grib2/ndfd.wmo -o
Kind regards,
On 30/07/17 02:56, Satyakam Acharya wrote:
Hi ,
I am new to Java and planning to use NetCDF to decode grib files.
I placed the jar in a folder and referring it for the same, but it errors out
saying 'Could not find or load main class ucar.grib.grib2.Grib2Dump'.
Command issued is as below
CMD="java -cp <My CP>netcdfAl.jar ucar.grib.grib2.Grib2Dump data/grib2/ndfd.wmo >
Am I missing anything ?
Thanks ,
Satyakam Acharya
BI - Datawarehousing
Infosys Limited
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