You say NetcdfWriter, but I assume you mean NetcdfFileWriter?
> Is there a reason that all of the Native C functions aren't included
in Nc4prototypes?
Mostly historical.
>... it would be nice to have the option of calling any of those
functions directory from Java.
You have to be careful. If you call the prototypes directly, then this
may introduce
mismatches with the Java interface, which means mixing prototype calls
and netcdf-java api
calls can cause problems.
=Dennis Heimbigner
On 3/6/2018 2:37 PM, Carlow, Christian R wrote:
I gave up trying to use the netcdf-java library classes such as
NetcdfWriter because it kept truncating the value when they exceeded a
particular length.
So I decided the easiest way to update attribute values was to just
call the Native C functions from java since I already successfully
tested the functions from a C application. However, Nc4prototypes is
missing some of the Native C functions such as nc_redef, and nc_inq_varid.
Is there a reason that all of the Native C functions aren't included
in Nc4prototypes? Since netcdf-java seems less powerful than those
underlying commands it would be nice to have the option of calling any
of those functions directory from Java.
I've already created my own copy of Nc4prototypes to include any
missing functions but it would be nice if they were just all available
out-of-the-box when downloaded.
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