Dear netcdf-java Users,
In my previous email, I asked if there is a way to convert String variables to
java code to build a NetCDF file from strings. I have some Strings which
contain the commands to write a netCDF. For example:
String Variable contains the following strings:
'Variable time; '
'time = ncfile.addVariable(null, "time", DataType.Double, "time");'
String DataA contains:
'ArrayDouble.D1 timeData = new ArrayDouble.D1(countLinesResult); '
'Index ima = timeData.getIndex();'
String DataD contains:
'timeData.setDouble(ima.set(timeIdx),ValueD.get(timeIdx)); ' where ValueD is
the data what are added to timeData array inside a for loop.
String DataNC contains:
'ncfile.write(time, timeData); '
each string is public static String. These stings are in NetCDF_writer Class
static void getDataNc method.
I tried to convert them with InMemoryJavaCompiler
( as:
NetcdfFileWriter ncfile =
NetcdfFileWriter.createNew(NetcdfFileWriter.Version.netcdf4, location, null);
Dimension timeDim = ncfile.addUnlimitedDimension("time");
StringBuffer sourceCode = new StringBuffer();
sourceCode.append("package meteoread;\n");
sourceCode.append("public class NetCDF_writer {\n");
sourceCode.append(" static void getDataNc(int id1, int id2,
String listString, String location, String Stimenc, String ETimenc)throws
Exception {" +Variables +" ncfile.create();" + "\n" + DataA + DataD +
Class<?> Netcdf_writer =
InMemoryJavaCompiler.compile("meteoread.NetCDF_writer", sourceCode.toString());
Unfortunately, I got several cannot find symbol error messages. The compiler
does not find the NetcdfFileWriter identifiers even though I imported
ucar.nc2.* and ucar.ma2.* packages. Could someone write to me how I should fix
this issue?
Thank you for your help in advance!
Kind regards,
Beáta Szabó-Takács Ph.D
Department of Atmospheric Matter Fluxes and Long-Range Transport
Global Change Research Institute CAS
Bělidla 986/4a
603 00 Brno
Czech Republic
+420 602 975 356<>