Re: [netcdf-java] [EXTERNAL] Re: Slow CDMS3 access via netcdf java

I can't speak to thredds, but I have had some success using netcdf-java's http 
reader and setting a couple of system properties to control the read and cache 
sizes of that reader. The http reader will use range requests rather than full 
downloads. It doesn't necessarily drop the round trips and reads down to what 
you might expect but it's much less data transfer than reading whole blobs. In 
other words, when calling, pass an http url. The properties 
we set are and, although I think one of these is 
deprecated/ignored in recent releases, so ymmv. With higher values you'll see 
more heap usage (potentially OOMEs) and fewer round trips. With lower values 
you'll see less heap usage and more round trips.

Jesse Bickel

Contractor, ERT, Inc.
Federal Affiliation: NWC/OWP/NOAA/DOC

On Thu, 23 Sep 2021 14:33:57 -0500,
Gangl,  Michael E (US 398B) via netcdf-java wrote:
> [1  <multipart/alternative (en-US) (7bit)>]
> [1.1  <text/plain; utf-8 (base64)>]
> [1.2  <text/html; utf-8 (base64)>]
> These are netcdf4 files. This is simply a test to show that reading a single 
> variable was unbearably slow, I have no real use for the output of it. I
> wrote the test because we ran into timeouts when trying to setup S3 access 
> from THREDDS that also uses the netcdf-java librarby. Our entire archive
> (500TB) is in S3. We supply THREDDS access to the users to make accessing 
> regional/timeseries data easier. We can’t download all of this locally and 
> then
> delete it. Troubleshooting what was happening- that led me to these commands 
> to simply open and get variable data being ‘the culprit’ as far as I’m
> concerned.
> By setting buffer and maxS3Cache size to -1 (turning them off) it seems we 
> are now simply download the file. 
> I don’t think that’s ideal in the long run, but was the only way to get the 
> dataset to be read from netcdf-java, and thereby Thredds, in any sort of
> reasonable fashion.
> I guess my ask is to have THREDDS run faster on object store / s3 data, and 
> I’m coming to what I think the source of the issues is (netcdf-java) and
> bypassing the thredds community.
> -Mike
> From: John Caron <jcaron1129@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at 8:49 PM
> To: Mike Gangl <michael.e.gangl@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: "netcdf-java@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <netcdf-java@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [netcdf-java] Slow CDMS3 access via netcdf java
> Hi Michael: what kind of files are these? netcdf3 or netcdf4? What is the 
> output of your example program?  
> Perhaps you should download it locally and access it from there, and then 
> delete when done?
> John
> On Tue, Sep 21, 2021 at 1:40 PM Gangl, Michael E (US 398B) via netcdf-java 
> <netcdf-java@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>  I’m writing on behalf of podaac [0] which really wants to move it’s thredds 
> server to the AWS cloud.
>  Our setup is essentially an EC2 instance with a lot of network bandwitdth to 
> our S3 datastores. We hope to use Thredds to read from S3 directly. We’ve
>  got this up and running and can get some results for very small requests, 
> but we noticed any type of large or multifile query essentially takes too
>  long to be effective.
>  Digging down, I’ve constructed a test to essentially do a ‘read’ on a single 
> variable from a large file (~720MB).
>  try{
>                long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
>                NetcdfFile ncfile =
> ("cdms3://ngap-cumulus-uat@aws/podaac-uat-cumulus-protected?MUR-JPL-L4-GLOB-v4.1/");
>                long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
>                System.out.println("Read header took " +(stopTime - 
> startTime)+ " ms");
>                startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
>                Variable v = ncfile.findVariable("analysed_sst");
>                System.out.println(;
>                stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
>                System.out.println("Read variable took " +(stopTime - 
> startTime)+ " ms");
>                  }catch (Exception e){
>                                  e.printStackTrace();
>                  }
>  This… takes absolutely forever- still waiting on some tests to return but 
> they’ve all taken > 20 minutes and I end up closing them trying to determine
>  what’s going on. As a comparison, I’m able to read the entire 720MB file 
> using the AWS cli in under a minute (around 25MiB/s over my wifi):
>  time aws s3 cp 
> s3://podaac-uat-cumulus-protected/MUR-JPL-L4-GLOB-v4.1/
>  . --profile
>  ngap-service-uat
>  download: 
> s3://podaac-uat-cumulus-protected/MUR-JPL-L4-GLOB-v4.1/
>  to
>  ./
>  real  0m45.867s
>  user  0m2.932s
>  sys   0m1.891s
>  Is there any control (or insight) that I have over why this is taking so 
> long? My only guess to why it takes so long would be: It’s reading small
>  pieces of the file serially or even in parallel, but the cost of connect and 
> download is so expensive. Is there anyway I can instruct it to simply
>  download/cache the entire file? Read much more data in a single request? 
> That would seem faster at this rate. Alternatively, speeding up the read in
>  anyway would be a benefit.
>  Thanks,
>  Mike
>  [0]
>  From: netcdf-java <netcdf-java-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Sean 
> Arms <sarms@xxxxxxxx>
>  Date: Thursday, September 16, 2021 at 12:30 PM
>  To: "netcdf-java@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <netcdf-java@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, 
> "thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>  Subject: [EXTERNAL] [netcdf-java] A farewell message
>  Dear THREDDS and Netcdf-Java community,
>  My last day at Unidata will be tomorrow, September 17th, 2021. It was not an 
> easy decision, to say the least, but I believe this is the right choice
>  for my family and me. It has been my pleasure to serve you over these past 
> ten years.
>  Unidata will continue to host and support the development of the THREDDS 
> stack. Hailey Johnson will be taking over as project lead, and will be
>  reaching out to you with some details for future plans for the netCDF-Java 
> library and the TDS. The roadmap that Hailey is working on contains many
>  exciting developments for the future, and I look forward to watching and 
> helping, in a very limited way, these developments move forward as a
>  community contributor.
>  As always, projects like netCDF-java and the TDS rely upon community 
> interactions and contributions to be sustainable. Contributions to the code 
> base,
>  documentation, tackling issues, and answering questions on the mailing lists 
> are all ways that you can help keep these efforts moving into the future.
>  Such efforts will be incredibly helpful during the next several months as 
> Hailey continues spinning-up on the THREDDS efforts, and your continued
>  support and patience will be greatly appreciated throughout this transition 
> period. 
>  With gratitude and hope for the future,
>  Sean
>  _______________________________________________
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>  recorded in the Unidata inquiry tracking system and made publicly
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>  do not want to be made public.
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>  netcdf-java@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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> [2  <text/plain; us-ascii (7bit)>]
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