[netcdf-porting] Porting NETCDF to SGI Altix XE240

NOTE: The netcdf-porting mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

I want to port NETCDF to an SGI Altix XE240 running Redhat Linux
Enterprise Version 5.0 with an Intel Fortran compiler, version 9.1.043
and a GNU C/C++ compiler configured for 64 bits.  Will the pre-compiled
binary for NETCDF 3.6.2 on Linux 2.6-x86_64 work on that configuration?

Arthur P. Mizzi, Ph.D., J.D., CCM
Environmental Scientist/Attorney
Walsh Environmental/Ecology & Environment, Inc.
4888 Pearl E. Circle, Suite 108
Boulder, Colorado 80301-2475
Phone:  303-443-3282
Fax:  303-443-0367
Mobile: 303-903-5544
E-Mail: amizzi@xxxxxxxxxxxx
www.walshenv.com or www.ene.com

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