Re: [netcdf-porting] Native 64-Bit-DLL for Windows

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Hi @all,

after doing a lot of research concerning this topic I finally have to
ask you this way, because I didn't find any answer...
Do you know of any way to build Netcdf as a native 64-Bit-DLL for
Windows or (if currently not possible): when do you expect this to
become possible?

Regards & thanks in advance
Andreas Rost

I don't know how to build a 64-bit DLL.

Is it some flags that you set for the compiler (as with non-windows

If so, open the Visual Studio solution file for netCDF (in
sub-directory win32/NET) and try adding the appropriate settings to the
properties sheets for the different projects that make up netCDF.

Please let us know if this works, and what settings you set.



Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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