[netcdf-porting] NetCDF with Absoft Fortran on an Intel Mac?

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Has anyone built NetCDF with Absoft Fortran (10.0) on an Intel Mac? I am trying to do so and having problems. I have defined FFLAGS and F90FLAGS to be "-YEXT_NAMES=LCS -YEXT_SFX=_" (symbol names in lowercase and with an appended underscore)for compatibility with my other packages. I am getting a bunch of undefined references when I do the "make check" and it gets to this command (I show the command and the output):

/Applications/Absoft10/bin/f90 -I../fortran -I../libsrc -I../fortran - p../f90 -YEXT_NAMES=LCS -YEXT_SFX=_ -o nf_test test_get.o test_put.o nf_error.o nf_test.o test_read.o test_write.o util.o fortlib.o ../ libsrc/.libs/libnetcdf.a
/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:

[a whole bunch of others]

test_get.o reference to undefined _nf__create_
test_get.o reference to undefined _nf__create_mp_
test_get.o reference to undefined _nf__enddef_
test_get.o reference to undefined _nf__open_
test_get.o reference to undefined _nf__open_mp_
test_get.o reference to undefined _nf_abort_
test_get.o reference to undefined _nf_close_
test_get.o reference to undefined _nf_copy_att_
test_get.o reference to undefined _nf_copy_var_
test_get.o reference to undefined _nf_create_
more references to undefined symbols ...
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
link failed.
make[2]: *** [nf_test] Error 1
make[1]: *** [check-am] Error 2
make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1

Clay Blankenship
USRA/National Space Science and Technology Center

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