Re: [netcdf-porting] Windows Build and OpenDAP?

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>>> On 2009-05-13 at 10:27, Christopher Barker <Chris.Barker@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Has anyone tried minGW? It can usually build DLLs compatible with 
regular Windows apps.

I used to build netCDF-3 with MinGW whenever a new version came out. There was 
an issue with Windows-style path names in the .Plo files (or something--I 
forget the details) but this was fixable with an editor. I never tried with 
netCDF-4, because I couldn't build HDF5. However maybe there is a suitable 
Windows-native HDF5 library somewhere. Or maybe you don't need support for the 
netCDF-4 format. As to whether the new DAP code works under MinGW, I have no 
In other words, building netCDF-4 under MinGW may be worth a try, but expect a 
few obstacles on the way.
Mark Hadfield          "Kei puwaha te tai nei, Hoea tahi tatou"
NIWA is the trading name of the National Institute of Water & Atmospheric 
Research Ltd.
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