Re: [netcdf-porting] Windows Build and OpenDAP?

NOTE: The netcdf-porting mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

Here FYI are the notes I made to myself when building netcdf-3.6.2 under
MinGW in June 2007:

Build Gfortran version of netCDF-3 because of change in compiler.
Commands are
mkdir -p /tmp/${USER}/netcdf-gfortran
cd /tmp/${USER}/netcdf-gfortran
tar -xvzf ${HOME}/software/netcdf/netcdf-3.6.2.tar.gz 
cd netcdf-3.6.2
CC=gcc FC=gfortran CPPFLAGS=-DpgiFortran ./configure --prefix=${prefix}
--libdir=${prefix}/lib-gfortran --includedir=${prefix}/include-gfortran
make check
make install
However, there is an irritating problem in building under MinGW in that
there are now lots of occurrences of âC:/MinGWâ in the dependencies
files (*/.deps/*.Plo and */.deps/*.Po) and they lead to errors, during
make check (and make install, I think), eg:
make[2]: Entering directory
.deps/error.Po:1: *** multiple target patterns.  Stop.
The workaround is to replace âC:/MinGWâ with â/mingwâ using WildEdit,
but as these files are generated during the make process, this has to be
done umpteen (actually 9) times, rerunning make each time, to complete a
successful make check.
Iâm not sure how and why this problem has arisen. Apparently, the .Po &
.Plo files are created by automake, eg:

Anyway, I worked around the problem as above and installed netCDF.
Mark Hadfield          "Kei puwaha te tai nei, Hoea tahi tatou"

NIWA is the trading name of the National Institute of Water &
Atmospheric Research Ltd.
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