[netcdf-porting] Building NETCDF4 (4.1.1) for Windows

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I need to build the current stable version of NETCDF4 (4.1.1) for both 32
and 64 bit windows.  I have found a number of changes that I needed to
make to the code base in order to compile, but one of the more perplexing
is associated with "libsrc4/nc4type.c" and "libsrc4/nc4attr.c".

In the nc4attr.c source, compare_nc_types() function, the local variables:

    NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp1, *grp2;

"grp1" and "grp2" seem to already have a preprocessor definition, so only
by changing the names to "grpp1" and "grpp2" was I able to compile.

Similarly, in nc4type.c, nc_inq_type_equal() function, the local variables:

    NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp1, *grp2;

Also have some constant value defined for the term grp1 and grp2. 
Changing the name to grpp1 and grpp2 allowed compilation.

Does anyone know where these definitions might be coming from?


James Mason
Exa Corporation
Burlington, MA

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