Re: [netcdf-porting] MS Windows builds are disabled.

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"Sisyphus" <sisyphus1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Hi,
> The netcdf library used to build fairly trivially on MS Windows, using
> the mingw port of gcc in the msys shell.
> I can build 4.0.1 ok (with some minor hacking of the source), but
> 4.1.1 fails during the 'make' step because of some problem with my
> (non-existent ?)TeX utility. Not sure what to do about that, though
> the mingw mailing list could probably help out - the actual error
> varies depending upon whether I'm building a 32-bit or 64-bit library.
> But attempting to build 4.1.2 doesn't even get past the './configure' step.
> First up it croaked because there was no curl library ... so I built
> and installed curl-7.21.6.
> After that, I still can't get configure to succeed:
> checking for library containing xdr_void... no
> configure: error: Cannot locate library containing xdr functions.
> What are these "xdr functions", and how does one make them available
> on MS Windows ?
> I tried googling for "xdr" and "xdr_void" but didn't come up with
> anything particularly illuminating.
> (Note: I don't have any personal need to use the netcdf library
> .... this post is as much an "fyi" as anything else.)
> Cheers,
> Rob

Try configure with --disable-dap.

Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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