[netcdf-porting] Official Windows NetCDF support

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Good afternoon all,

I'm writing this message to announce/discuss the work being done towards official Windows support for NetCDF 4.2. The goal is not to have a Windows NetCDF branch, but rather to have Windows support integrated into the main codebase. Currently, my priorities are as follows:

o Short-term goal: Provide a set of .dll's (32/64-bit) to coincide with the upcoming NetCDF 4.2.1 release (date TBD), as well as a documented build process for NetCDF and any dependencies. The environment for this build process is MSYS/MinGW/MinGW64.

o Medium-term goal: Integrate CMake into NetCDF to provide a Visual Studio build chain. The recent post by J. Luis provided a link to a build for NetCDF 4.1.3, using CMake(http://gmtrac.soest.hawaii.edu/projects/gmt/wiki/BuildingNetCDF ). This will be a great help for official CMake support.

The status of the short-term goal is officially 'good, but no promises until the 4.2.1 release'. I have static and shared libraries (dll's) building for both 32 & 64 bit Windows; these libraries lack dap support (currently), but netcdf-4/hdf5 tests are all successful. I will start on official CMake support following the 4.2.1 release. I intend to have dap support working for this release.

I hope to have the official website for the Windows NetCDF project online by the end of next week. I'll post status updates, compilation instructions and possibly beta library downloads there, until Windows support is officially part of the NetCDF code. I'm sure there will be a FAQ as well, once questions start coming in.

Have a great afternoon, I look forward to deploying NetCDF with Windows support.


Ward Fisher

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