[netcdf-porting] netcdf-4.3.1 test failures on Windows.

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I built netcdf-4.3.1 in the msys shell using mingw ports (32-bit and 64-bit) of gcc-4.7.0.

$ ./configure --disable-shared --enable-static --enable-netcdf-4 --prefix=C:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local CPPFLAGS=-IC:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local/include LDFLAGS=-LC:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local/lib

During 'make check' I got multiple "Assertion" failures - sometimes at v1hpg.c, line 190; other times at posixio.c, line 287.

For example:
ncio_px_pad_length entered.
*** Testing nccopy tst_calendars.nc copy_of_tst_calendars.nc ...
Assertion failed: type == NC_BYTE || type == NC_CHAR || type == NC_SHORT ||
== NC_INT || type == NC_FLOAT || type == NC_DOUBLE, file v1hpg.c, line 190

*** Running ncdump nc_iter test.
*** dumping iter.nc to iter.dmp
Assertion failed: *posp == OFF_NONE || *posp == lseek(nciop->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR), file posixio.c, line 287

I had experienced problems with "_MSC_VER" versus "_WIN32" in posixio.c with earlier version of netcdf, so I changed line 1665 of libsrc/posixio.c from:

#if _MSC_VER
#ifdef _WIN32

That took care of the above problems.

Ultimately, another test then failed and 'make check' terminated:

##### quote ###
PASS: tst_h_scalar.exe

*** Running group_rename test
-125: NetCDF: No group found.
***FAIL: attempt to rename /inner/inner_inner failed
-125: NetCDF: No group found.
***FAIL: attempt to rename /inner failed
< netcdf tst_grp_rename {
< types:
<   int(*) vlen_t ;
< dimensions:
<       d2 = 2 ;
< variables:
<       vlen_t v1(d2) ;
< data:
<  v1 = {}, {} ;
< group: renamed {
<   types:
<     compound c_t {
<       int f1 ;
<       float f2 ;
<     }; // c_t
<   dimensions:
<       d3 = 3 ;
<   variables:
<       c_t vc(d3) ;
<   data:
<    vc = {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0} ;
<   group: inner_renamed {
<     dimensions:
<       d3 = 4 ;
<     } // group inner_renamed
<   } // group renamed
< }
netcdf tst_grp_rename {
  int(*) vlen_t ;
      d2 = 2 ;
      vlen_t v1(d2) ;

 v1 = {}, {} ;

group: inner {
    compound c_t {
      int f1 ;
      float f2 ;
    }; // c_t
      d3 = 3 ;
      c_t vc(d3) ;

   vc = {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0} ;

  group: inner_inner {
      d3 = 4 ;
    } // group inner_inner
  } // group inner
***FAIL: output and reference output differ
-125: NetCDF: No group found.
***XFAIL : attempt to rename root group failed as expected
FAIL: run_grp_rename.sh

*** Testing netcdf-4 v2 API functions.
*** testing simple opens and creates...ok.
*** Tests successful!
PASS: tst_v2.exe
1 of 54 tests failed
Please report to support-netcdf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
##### end quote ###

Running 'make check -i' enabled the test suite to run to completion. Inspection then revealed that there had been only the one (above) failure.

It's the same for both the 32-bit and the 64-bit builds, btw.


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