Compiled Ok but nctest bombs on SS2

        I just got ncetcdf-1.11.1 off unidata and tried compiling it. I 
have a Sun SS2 running SunOS 4.1.1, I used the generic makefile which
came with the package and changed DESTDIR to /big/sun4.

Everything compiled ok and the XDR stuff passed it's tests but when
ftest ran I got 

 --- Testing nccre ...
 --- Testing ncddef ...
 --- Testing ncvdef ...
 --- Testing ncapt, ncaptc ...
 --- Testing ncclos ...
 --- Testing ncvpt1 ...
 --- Testing ncvgt1 ...
 --- Testing ncvpt ...
 --- Testing ncopn, ncinq, ncdinq, ncvinq, ncanam, ncainq ...
 --- Testing ncvgt, ncvgtc ...
 --- Testing ncagt, ncagtc ...
 --- Testing ncredf, ncdren, ncvren, ncaren, ncendf ...
ncendef: rename failed: Cross-device link
*** Segmentation Violation = signal 11 code 3 
The trace file contains :-
Begin traceback...
Called from [func: (null)], at 0xf76d2c4c, args=0xb 0xffffffff 0xf7785c66 
Called from [func: (null)], at 0xf77a346c, args=0x1 0x34010 0x9 0x0
Called from [func: (null)], at 0xf77a389c, args=0x0 0x34010 0x34170 0x2
Called from [func: _ncclos_], at 0x8374, args=0x0 0x37818 0x37808 0x1
Called from [func: _tncredf_], at 0x63d4, args=0x2ccc8 0x2ccd4 0x28cb8 0x28c8c
Called from [func: _MAIN_], at 0x27cc, args=0x2903c 0x1f 0x0 0xf7786fe4
Called from [func: (null)], at 0xf7760db4, args=0x0 0xf773f09c 0xf7803f78 
Called from [func: start], at 0x2064, args=0x0 0x10 0xf7fffaac 0x28000
End traceback...

I then tried nctest which didn't get very far at all :-

--- Testing nccreate ...
--- Testing ncopen ...
*** test_ncopen: ncendef failed after ncattput
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I tried using some different ways of building the release, using the supplied
XDR files etc, but it didn't seem to make any difference. Anybody out there
give me a clue as to whats going on ? I haven't subscribed to this mail
group so please email reply to me.


Bill Hart                               Internet : hart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CSIRO Division of Oceanography          Phone : +61 02 206 446
Hobart, Tas., 7000 Australia            Fax :   +61 02 240 530

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