> The netCDF file system seems quite elaborate, with excellent features,
> and seems to have a popular following. As someone new to these so
> called standards, I am not quite sure which to choose. There seem to
> be other interfaces around which have some claims to being 'standard'
> also. Like, for example, the NCSA HDF system. And what about others
> like WEB and BASIS? There may also be others. Has anyone compared
> these against each other? Is there any sense in such a comparison?
A reasonably comprehensive yet brief summary was published as
"SIGGRAPH '90 Workshop Report - Data Structures and Access Software
for Scientific Visualization" in Computer Graphics Vol.25 Number 2 April 1991
a publication of ACM SIGGRAPH. The Workshop Chairperson/Organizer/Editor
was Lloyd Treinish (lloyd@xxxxxxx) . HDF and netCDF are compared in
SCD Computing News February 1991 "Advantages and Disadvantages of HDF and
netCDF" G.Davis & R.Rew from UCAR.
| Len Makin, CSIRO, Division of Information Technology (Melbourne) |
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