We are a small group of potential users of NetCDF.
Our applications consist of the analysis of 3D gridded
meso-scale meteorological and air-quality model inputs and outputs
using standard NCAR graphics and some AVS visualization programs.
We are evaluating the utility of converting our existing files to netCDF form.
We have written a few routines to interface our modeling and analysis systems;
however, we would be interested in similar existing systems
so that we do not recreate programs.
I have been wondering about some of the same issues you raised.
In particular, are there already standard ways of defining
data and data attributes for our kind of applications
that will interface with existing analysis software?
I would be interested in your netCDF efforts.
Also, I am interested in learning more about your FERRET system.
Perhaps, we can adapt it for our analysis.
Thank you,
--Tom Umeda
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Voice: (415)749-4663/(510)548-1427
E-mail: TUmeda@xxxxxxxxxx