I had recently downloaded version 2.0 of the netCDF data format, and was
very impressed with the refinement in your documentation and software.
All of the code had compiled and executed flawlessly on our Sun Sparcstation
machines. Currently we use a variety of formats on our floor, and
at the sugggestion of our Massachusetts office, decided to look into
netCDF and a standard repository of all of our data.
I was wondering if a newer version exists that may address the possibility
of multiple header attributes. To clarify this, the exact example
I am currently dealing with involves storing real-time acoustic data.
Our data has broken up by Time, Band #, and Channel #:
Data(Band, Channel, Time)
I am able to implement main Header attributes easily using the
Variables section, but in addition to any main header attributes, I need
to express unique attributes which are related to each Band and each
Channel. In other words, if I have 3 bands, and 4 channels per band, Ideally
I would have 12 unique header records that are all realated under the
main header/variable.
Does this capability exist somewhere in netCDF, and I just haven't found it
In addition to the above question, this is also a request to be added to
your mailing list. Keep up the good work! It is very much appreciated, and
Francis Wong, MS#1-11-1
Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC)
1710 Goodridge Drive
McLean, Virginia 22102
email: wong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx