sizes of netCDF objects...

Please respond to this message only if you are using netCDF for 
large (over a megabyte of data) to Huge (100's of megabytes to gigabytes
of data). 

I need to do a short survey of netCDF usage for large to HUGE datasets.  

We are thinking about using netCDF for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance data for 
analytical laboratories and for Magnetic Resonance Imaging data.

1) What are the largest datasets that you are using with netCDF now?  

2) For what applications?

3) What limitations are you experiencing for performance?  (If you are 
experiencing limitations, please state what kind of hardware and software 
you are using so we know how to interpret your results.)

4) What are your plans for larger datasets in the future?  How far do you 
envision netCDF going before it breaks down, if at all?  

Thanks in advance.

Rich Lysakowski
ADISS Project Director

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