Problem finding the dimension name

> <This is like  a loop.. My question is how do i find out
> <the name of a dimension if i dont know its dimid..
> The source code for the ncdump program may be informative.

Yes, and it's in the netCDF User's Guide as well, though perhaps not where
one would expect to find it.  In section 4.3, "Reading a netCDF File with
Unknown Names":

     Dimension IDs are assigned by using consecutive integers (beginning
  at 0 in C, 1 in FORTRAN).  Also dimensions, once created, cannot be
  deleted.  Therefore, knowing the number of dimension IDs in a netCDF
  means knowing all the dimension IDs: they are the integers 0, 1, 2,
  ..., (or 1, 2, 3, ... in FORTRAN).  For each dimension ID, a call to
  the inquire function `ncdiminq' (or `NCDINQ') returns the dimension
  name and size.


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