To: NETCDF usergroup (netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Date: 31 december 1992
Subject: Software for managing large volumes of scientific data.
DELFT HYDRAULICS has designed a system for managing large volumes of
scientific data, called NEFIS. NEFIS (Neutral File Structure) is a library
of functions designed for FORTRAN programmers who regularly manage large
amounts of scientific data.
As a leading international Institute which deals with water-related
problems DELFT HYDRAULICS uses software for specific purposes. This
software, mainly designed at the Institute, covers a range of
products and is also commercially available for others at competitive
The problem:
For the last ten years DELFT HYDRAULICS has become increasingly
involved in questions regarding the environment and the use of
natural resources. The analysis techniques applied made it necessary
to store considerable, if not huge amounts of data which required
state-to-the-art software. After we had thoroughly ascertained the
market (including the products NETCDF and HDF) we came to the
conclusion that commercially available products simply did not live
up to our expectations so that we had no other choice but to develop
our own software.
NEFIS is designed as a tool for FORTRAN programmers who are faced
with the problem how to manage large amounts of scientific data, say
of the order of over hundreds of megabytes. NEFIS stands for Neutral
File Structure.
Starting point for NEFIS' design were the following conditions:
- a high performance, regardless the size of the files to be
- standardization of the data to be handled
- transfer of data to other platforms must be possible
- it must be run on PC and several UNIX plaforms
- the choice of data structures and their dimensions varies
strongly. Such a choice can often only be made in "runtime".
This requires specific facilities.
- the possibility to read and store N-dimensional matrix and meta
- it should be a medium between the various programs or their
modules and it must be able to extend already defined data
After NEFIS had been completed it was gradually introduced within our
Institute. It appeared to be successful and currently it is installed
on several front-end systems and integrated in a number of products.
It was found that NEFIS not only reduces overhead but also
considerably speeds up the process of getting through data. As was
specified, the package can handle data sets of hundreds of megabytes
and its main objective, namely, that NEFIS must be able to offer
almost unlimited data-file functionality to applications, was also
fully achieved.
How to obtain NEFIS:
NEFIS software and documentation is free and available on the FTP
server of the Dutch Unix Usergroup NLUUG, and can be obtained as
cd packages
cd nefis
binary (to set transfer mode to binary)
get Readme.first
get Readme.intro
get nefis.tar.Z
DELFT HYDRAULICS also provide manuals at $ 100.- or fl 150.-, shipment
costs not included. If you want to know more about the product, please send
a mail to our NEFIS Support Group adres: