In order to update the answer to the frequently-asked-question of how widely
netCDF is used, I'm requesting brief descriptions of current uses for netCDF
and especially of any institutional decisions to use or support netCDF for
particular projects or data archives. For example, I'm looking for
something like:
A committee on data access reporting to the US Gravitational
Interferometry Project Center has decided to tentatively recommend that
users consider developing future applications for data archived at the
Center using netCDF.
YoYoDyne Corporation has mandated that all past and future scientific data
applications will henceforth use the netCDF library, and that all
agencies, institutions, and corporations that use any other form of data
access will be boycotted until further notice.
Please send brief descriptions of netCDF use to me, *not* the netcdfgroup
mailing list, and I'll see that a summary gets incorporated into the FAQ
file (pub/netcdf/FAQ on unidata.ucar.edu) where others can read the
results. Thank you.
Russ Rew Unidata Program Center
russ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UCAR, PO Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000