------------------------------- Referenced Note ---------------------------
Dear Scientific Database Researchers:
I am organizing a workshop on databases and visualization this
October in San Jose, CA, as part of the IEEE Visualization con-
ference. It seems that the visualization community has largely
ignored database management issues, and this has impacted the
quality of their work. They could benefit greatly from insight
into DBMS services and approaches to managing scientific data.
All interested parties are welcome to submit. I will also field
any questions you might have.
JP Lee Institute for Visualization and Perception Research
jlee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx University of Massachusetts at Lowell
(508) 934-3384 1 University Ave. Lowell, MA 01854
************** Call for Participation **************
Title: "Workshop on Database Issues for Data Visualization"
Place: Visualization '93
Red Lion Inn
San Jose, CA
Date: Tuesday, October 26, 1993
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
A full-day workshop on the application of database technology to data
visualization will be held during the 1993 IEEE Visualization Conference.
The purpose of the workshop will be to provide a forum for the presentation,
discussion, and evaluation of designs that apply database technology to the
data visualization problem. It seeks to bring together a diverse group of
researchers in the database and visualization fields, along with application
developers towards creating more supportive tools to enable the exploration,
analysis, and visualization of complex data. It is imperative that such
cross-fertilization occur for visualization tools to better fit the task they
are designed for.
Scientific visualization is an important research frontier shared by a
variety of computational science and engineering fields. Visualization work
is both interdisciplinary and a field in its own right. This conference
focuses on interdisciplinary methods and supports collaboration among the
developers and users of visualization methods across all of science,
engineering, and commerce.
The conference is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee
on Computer Graphics, in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH
Data Visualization deals with the effective protrayal of data with a goal
towards insight about the data. Typically, the data is of high volume,
multidimensional in nature, and does not lend itself to easy display. The
data is also often spatial and temporal in nature.
Data visualization software systems are very popular with end-user domain
scientists who require visual tools to explore and analyze their data.
Whereas the output issues for visualization production, i.e., image synthesis,
have received much attention, input and data management issues have not.
The visualization community has not embraced database technology to handle
data access for reasons of performance and inadequacies of the available
data models (such as relational). This workshop hopes to address these issues,
and make a case for database technology integration into visualization.
Database issues for data visualization have become increasingly important as
ever-larger data set sizes and dimensionality create problems that present-day
systems cannot handle. Collaborative computing requires multiple users and
multiple, heterogeneous databases. Visualization system users are only given
minimal support for querying data. Querying is limited in most cases to
integrating filters and output rendering methods over flat data files and
fixed data types, which is hardly "interactive".
Two previous Workshops (Siggraph '90 and Visualization '91) have dealt with
areas such as high-level requirements for data structures and access soft-
ware, and data visualization environments. This workshop intends to deal with
issues specifically related to the integration of database management systems
with data visualization. This could also lead to low-level implementation
issues as well. Researchers who have working applications are encouraged to
present their work, for critique and evaluation.
Participation is limited to 20 people.
Position Statements and papers are welcome on the following issues as they
relate to data visualization - we would like to keep discussions focused on
the end result, which is improving visualization with database management
- Requirements Visualization places on Databases
- Data Models and Access Structures
- Modeling the User - Tasks, Processes, Support Issues
- Advanced User Interfaces for databases
- Visual Languages for Visualization
- System Integration Issues
- Querying for Visualization
- Distributed, Heterogeneous Data Set Issues - Data Sharing
The Workshop format allows for the formal presentation of the papers in the
morning session (accepted papers included in preprints). These presentations
are designed to serve as catalysts for discussion. In addition, there will
be a few invited papers and several afternoon workshop discussion sessions
with designated discussion topics. Participants will have an opportunity to
edit and resubmit their papers for possible post-workshop publication.
PAPER SUBMISSIONS (Due 15 July 1993)
Papers are solicited that present research results in the related areas of
database technology as applied to visualization. Position papers will also
be accepted. Papers should be limited to 5,000 words and may be accompanied
by NTSC video. Please submit 5 copies of all materials to one of the workshop
Location: The Workshop will be held at the Red Lion Hotel, the Visualization'93
Conference Hotel.
There is a Park and Recreation conference that is using most of the hotel rooms
the week before our workshop, and has 417 (of the 500) rooms booked on Friday
and 345 booked on Saturday. It is the largest conference that San Jose has
ever had! Hotel space will get very tight so please reserve rooms early and
guarantee these for late arrival (if arriving after after 6:00 pm) with a
credit card. Rooms are being held until October 3, 1993. When making
reservations please mention IEEE.
Accommodation inquiries:
Red Lion Hotel - Reservations
2050 Gateway Place
San Jose CA 95110
Lunch as well as coffee and tea breaks will be provided.
There is a single registration fee of US $75 which covers the technical
session, the Workshop preprints, lunch, and morning and afternoon coffee.
Payment: the registration fee can be paid in any convertible currency by either
check or credit card (American Express, Mastercard or Visa).
J.P. Lee
Institute for Visualization and Perception Research
University of Massachusetts at Lowell
Lowell, MA 01854
The MITRE Corporation
202 Burlington Avenue
Bedford MA 01730-1420
email: jlee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
fax: +1-617-271-2964
phone: +1-617-271-7417
Georges Grinstein
Institute for Visualization and Perception Research
University of Massachusetts at Lowell
Lowell, MA 01854
The MITRE Corporation
202 Burlington Avenue
Bedford MA 01730-1420
email: ggg@xxxxxxxxx, fax: +1-617-271-2964, phone: +1-617-271-7714
Registration Form:
Workshop on Database Issues for Data Visualization
Last Name:______________________________________________________________
First Name:______________________________Title (Prof/Dr/Mr/Ms):_____________
Mailing Address:_________________________________________________________
Accompanying Person:____________________________________________________
Workshop Fee: $US 75.00
Method of payment:
[ ] check (make check payable to "Database Workshop")
Credit card
[ ] American Express [ ] Mastercard [ ] Visa
Card number:____________________________________________________
Name on card:____________________________Exp. date:_______________
Signature (if sending by post):_______________________________________
[ ] I will not be staying at the Red Lion
[ ] I will book myself at the Red Lion
[ ] Please book me into the Red Lion
[ ] Single [ ] Double [ ] Smoking [ ] Non-Smoking
Arrival date:_________________ Departure date:________________
Please send this form by email, fax or post no later than 1 September to:
Maria Zimmerman
IEEE Database and Visualization Workshop Manager
The MITRE Corporation
202 Burlington Road
Bedford MA 01730-1420
Fax: +1-617-271-2964
Phone: +1-617-271-2513
Email: rmz@xxxxxxxxx