This message is being sent to announce the availability of Envision
version 1.0-beta by anonymous FTP. This release is a major update of
Envision version 0.1b previously released last June.
Here are the main changes in the new version:
1. works with data in NCSA's HDF (SDS) format using the new HDF3.3 library
2. support for 3D slicer and animation enlargement features in NCSA Collage1.2
3. easier creation of virtual dimensions
4. improved data and message passing between processes
5. new security features
6. bug fixes
What is Envision?
Envision is an interactive system for the management and visualization
of large scientific data sets. It runs on UNIX workstations under
X/Motif, manages data stored in netCDF and HDF files, and does
visualization using NCSA XImage, NCSA Collage, and IDL.
Who is developing Envision
Envision is being jointly developed at the Department of Atmospheric
Sciences at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the
Department of Meteorology at Texas A&M University. Funding for this
project is from NASA's Applied Information Systems Research Program.
The principal investigators for the Envision project are Ken Bowman,
John Walsh, and Bob Wilhelmson. Envision was written by Keith
Searight, David Wojtowicz, and Sridhar Pathi, with minor contributions
by Ken Bowman. In addition, the project has been assisted by the
staff at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA).
How to get Envision
Envision is public domain software and is available by anonymous FTP.
The primary ftp site for Envision is vista.atmos.uiuc.edu in
pub/envision. A secondary FTP site is csrp.tamu.edu. Included in
the release are binaries for IBM RS6000 (on which it is developed),
HP, Sun, and SGI, as well as source and make files. Complete
documentation, sample data, and binaries to generate Envision project
files for the sample data are provided. If you get Envision, we
request that you report any bugs you find to envision@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
We also welcome your suggestions for making Envision more useful to
Keith Searight, Research Programmer keith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Univ. of Illinois, Atmospheric Sciences Ph. (217) 333-8132
105 S. Gregory Ave., Urbana, IL 61801 Fax (217) 244-4393