After calling the write_histogram function below a couple of dozen
times, I get the message:
ncredef: filename "hcaa8842": Too many open files
Why? I'm believe that I'm calling ncendef and ncclose in the
appropriate places. None of the assertions fail. Any help would be
static int write_histogram(char *filename, long *values, long duration_max)
int ncid;
int status;
int dur_max_dim;
int dimids[1], dur_hist_id;
static long start[] = {0}; /* start writing at index 0 */
static long count[1];
ncid = ncopen(filename, NC_WRITE);
assert(ncid >= 0);
status = ncredef(ncid);
assert(status >= 0);
dur_max_dim = ncdimdef(ncid, "duration_max_frame", duration_max);
assert(dur_max_dim >= 0);
dimids[0] = dur_max_dim;
dur_hist_id = ncvardef(ncid, "duration_histogram", NC_LONG, 1, dimids);
status = ncendef(ncid);
count[0] = duration_max;
status = ncvarput(ncid, dur_hist_id, start, count, values);
assert(status >= 0);
status = ncclose(ncid);
assert(status >= 0);
return 0;