LDM file protocols

To LDM-User Public;

Hi there.  I'm looking for documentation that describe the protocol
line-by-line of WMO, INTNL, MCIDAS, etc. files.  For instance the INTNL
file below is just an instance of data read off an LDM feed; however,
the line-by-line translation of what the data represents and means is
cryptic without the protocol.

Typcial Intnl....file:
1.      ^M^M
2.      ^C^A^M^M
3.      521 ^M^M
4.      SIVE30 KWBC 182100^M^M
5.      BBXX^M^M
6.      DQEB 18214 99151 51433 41698 53321 10273 20212 40105 56015 70322^M^M
7.      85183 22264 00262 20303 335// 40606 BBXX=^M^M
8.      ^M^M
9.      ^C^A^M^M
10.     522 ^M^M
11.     SITO21 NFTF 182100^M^M
12.     AAXX 18214^M^M
13.     91780 41598 40000 10227 20213 40147 70300 84200 92035   333 562// =^M^M
14.     91784 41498 80000 10220 20205 40142 70328 888// 92035   333 569// =^M^M
15.     91785 41498 81802 10216 2021/ 78222 888//   333 564// =^M^M
16.     91786 41498 80402 10206 2019/ 40158 70522 888// 92030   333 561// =^M^M
17.     91792 41498 70000 10216 20202 40160 53018 72528 878//   333 568//^M^M
18.     84816 87635   555 20050 32620 41922 =^M^M
19.     ^M^M
20.     ^C^A^M^M
21.     523 ^M^M
22.     SIPF20 NTAA 182100^M^M
23.     AAXX 18214^M^M

For instance lines 2, 9 & 20 could be start-of-message indicators.
Followed respectively by lines 3, 10 & 21 which appear to be message
sequence numbers.  But after that I couldn't even begin to guess as to
the nature of the information.

Hence does anyone have or know where I can get the protocol definitions
for the above filetype files or better yet programs with documentation
that will parse this data files already.

Jose Mendoza

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