Putting comments in netCDF files?

From:    Bob Beattie <beattie@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 If one has multi-record netCDF file, with each record
 containing a number of analyses, how can one enter comments
 for an individual record or analysis?

 My impression, as a newbie, is that this is not possible with
 netCDF. Have any other users encountered & solved this problem?

I can only imagine adding record variables of type character,
long enough to hold comments.  You would want to add attributes,
or some other information to show what data variables the comments
are associated with. 

An inelegant solution, I know.

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   William Weibel                           weibel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   UCLA Department of Atmospheric Sciences  Tel. (310)206-4441       \\\\/
   Los Angeles, CA  90024-1565              Fax  (310)206-5219        O-O
   U.S.A.                                                              |
         "The purpose of a memorandum is not to inform the reader,
          but to protect the writer."             -- Dean Acheson
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