Victor Essers writes:
> I have tried creating NetCDF files on an IRIS workstation
> running IRIX, a UNIX clone, to an IBM-compatible 486.
> However, when I subseqently run NCDUMP (compiled for the
> 486) on this file, it gives me an error message:
> ncopen: Not a NetCDF file
I used to have the same problem transferring NetCDF files from our VAX
to our UNIX workstations, and the problem turned out to be with the
Wollongong FTP software. So perhaps there is a problem with the
FTP software on your PC.
Of course, the problem might be that you just forgot to
transfer in *binary* mode. ;-)
Rich Signell | rsignell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
U.S. Geological Survey | (508) 457-2229 | FAX (508) 457-2310
384 Woods Hole Road |
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1598 |