On Thu, 1 Dec 1994, Don Hooper wrote:
> Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 15:14:02 +0700
> From: Don Hooper <hoop@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Anyone have a generic GRIB to netCDF converter?
> I'm looking for a filter to read GRIB files and write netCDF files,
> possibly according to a template (CDL?). I'm aware of Unidata's
> gribtonc, but that is so tied into their LDM (and other) software,
> requiring port numbers and such, that I'm dubious of its utility for
> my purposes. I just want a simple-to-use command-line-oriented filter
> program. Thanks in advance.
> -hoop, Don Hooper, hoop@xxxxxxxxxxxx
gribtonc is not tied into the ldm, at least as far as being a distributed
piece of software. it simply takes input from either standard input, or
a file, and writes an output netcdf file. it works with the ldm because
it can handle input from stdin, allowing the PIPE action to be used with
in the ldm for passing incoming HRS data to the decoder. but the decoder
itself is an independent piece of software.
Mitchell S. Baltuch Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
mitch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/