netcdf on SGI R8000

Has anyone out there successfully built netcdf on an SGI running IRIX 
6.0.1 with the new R8000 (64bit) chips?  I did the default "configure" and 
"make all" which produced a library, although there were many warnings (see 
attachment for a copy of the log file).  When I did a "make test", I got 
the following error:

making `test' in directory /usr/people/laschoo/netcdf-232pl2/xdr

        cc -c -I/usr/include/rpc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= 
"xdrtest.c", line 84: warning(1552): variable "poses" was set but never used
        unsigned long poses[9] ;

"xdrtest.c", line 6: warning(1174): variable "rcsid" was declared but never
  static char rcsid[] = "$Id: xdrtest.c,v 1.32 1993/04/28 21:16:55 davis 
Exp $" ;
cc -O xdrtest.o xdr.o xdrfloat.o xdrstdio.o xdrarray.o -o xdrtest
        ./xdrtest >
Assertion failed: xdr_setpos(xdrs, seeks[jj]), file xdrtest.c, line 169
*** Error code 134 (bu21)

make: fatal error.
*** Error code 1 (bu21)

make: fatal error.

Any suggestions????

     _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/          SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORIES     _/_/_/    
   _/       _/_/  _/  _/          Dept 1425, Mail Stop 0441          _/_/    
  _/_/_/   _/ _/ _/  _/          Albuquerque, NM 87185-0441     _/_/_/_/_/_/
      _/  _/  _/_/  _/          tel: 505 844 5156              _/  _/_/  _/
_/_/_/   _/    _/  _/_/_/_/    fax: 505 844 9297              _/  _/_/  _/
  Computational Mechanics          
 and Visualization Department     Larry A. Schoof           laschoo@xxxxxxxxxx

making `all' in directory /usr/people/laschoo/netcdf-232pl2/port

-DNO_STRERROR -O uddummy.c
        ar rcuv libudport.a uddummy.o 
a - uddummy.o
s - creating symbol hash table. Wait...
s - done

returning to directory /usr/people/laschoo/netcdf-232pl2

making `all' in directory /usr/people/laschoo/netcdf-232pl2/xdr

        cc -c -I/usr/include/rpc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= 
        cc -c -I/usr/include/rpc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= 
        cc -c -I/usr/include/rpc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= 
        cc -c -I/usr/include/rpc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= 
        ar rcuv ../libsrc/libnetcdf.a xdr.o xdrfloat.o xdrstdio.o xdrarray.o
a - xdr.o
a - xdrfloat.o
a - xdrstdio.o
a - xdrarray.o
s - creating symbol hash table. Wait...
s - done

returning to directory /usr/people/laschoo/netcdf-232pl2

making `all' in directory /usr/people/laschoo/netcdf-232pl2/libsrc

-DNO_STRERROR -O array.c
-DNO_STRERROR -O iarray.c
-DNO_STRERROR -O error.c
-DNO_STRERROR -O globdef.c
-DNO_STRERROR -O putget.c
-DNO_STRERROR -O putgetg.c
-DNO_STRERROR -O sharray.c
-DNO_STRERROR -O string.c
-DNO_STRERROR -O xdrposix.c
"xdrposix.c", line 282: warning(1140): a value of type "ncpos_t (*)()" cannot
          be used to initialize an entity of type
          "int (*)(struct __xdr_s *, void *, u_int)"
        xdrposix_getpos,        /* get offset in the stream */

"xdrposix.c", line 284: warning(1140): a value of type "netlong *(*)()" cannot
          be used to initialize an entity of type "u_int (*)(struct __xdr_s *)"
        xdrposix_inline,        /* prime stream for inline macros */

"xdrposix.c", line 285: warning(1140): a value of type "void (*)()" cannot be
          used to initialize an entity of type
          "int (*)(struct __xdr_s *, u_int)"
        xdrposix_destroy        /* destroy stream */

"xdrposix.c", line 2: warning(1174): variable "rcsid" was declared but never
  static char rcsid[] = "$Id: xdrposix.c,v 1.20 1993/05/05 20:33:39 steve Exp 

        ar rcuv libnetcdf.a array.o attr.o cdf.o dim.o file.o iarray.o error.o  
globdef.o putget.o putgetg.o sharray.o string.o var.o  xdrposix.o
a - array.o
a - attr.o
a - cdf.o
a - dim.o
a - file.o
a - iarray.o
a - error.o
a - globdef.o
a - putget.o
a - putgetg.o
a - sharray.o
a - string.o
a - var.o
a - xdrposix.o
s - creating symbol hash table. Wait...
s - done

returning to directory /usr/people/laschoo/netcdf-232pl2

making `all' in directory /usr/people/laschoo/netcdf-232pl2/fortran

        ./fortc -L . -O irix >
        ./fortc -L . -O irix jackets.src > jackets.c
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O jackets.c
        ar rcuv ../libsrc/libnetcdf.a jackets.o
a - jackets.o
s - creating symbol hash table. Wait...
s - done

returning to directory /usr/people/laschoo/netcdf-232pl2

making `all' in directory /usr/people/laschoo/netcdf-232pl2/ncdump

        cc -c -I../libsrc -I../port -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= 
"ncdump.c", line 563: warning(1136): too many arguments in function call
          set_sigdigs(optarg, &fspec);

        cc -c -I../libsrc -I../port -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= 
"vardata.c", line 553: warning(1185): enumerated type mixed with another type
        lastrow = (ir == nrows-1);

        cc -c -I../libsrc -I../port -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= 
"dumplib.c", line 171: warning(1116): non-void function "get_fmt" (declared at
          line 143) should return a value

cc -O ncdump.o vardata.o dumplib.o ../libsrc/libnetcdf.a -lm -o ncdump
WARNING 84: /usr/lib64/mips4/ is not used for resolving any symbol.

returning to directory /usr/people/laschoo/netcdf-232pl2

making `all' in directory /usr/people/laschoo/netcdf-232pl2/ncgen

        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O generate.c
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
"load.c", line 41: warning(1116): non-void function "put_variable" (declared
          at line 30) should return a value

        lex ncgen.l
        mv lex.yy.c ncgenyy.c
        yacc -d ncgen.y
        mv ncgentab.c
        mv ncgentab.h
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O ncgentab.c
"ncgen.l", line 36: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 38: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 39: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 40: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 41: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 42: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 43: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 45: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 47: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 48: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 49: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 62: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 67: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 72: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 78: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 89: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 96: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 103: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 138: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 153: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 157: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 161: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 165: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 182: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 186: warning(1110): statement is unreachable

"ncgen.l", line 25: warning(1174): label "yyfussy" was declared but never
  yyfussy: switch(nstr){

"ncgen.l", line 1177: warning(1167): pointer points outside of underlying
  yycrank+-1,   0,              0,      

"ncgen.l", line 1178: warning(1167): pointer points outside of underlying
  yycrank+-66,  yysvec+1,       0,      

"ncgen.l", line 1182: warning(1167): pointer points outside of underlying
  yycrank+-144, 0,              yyvstop+8,

"ncgen.l", line 1183: warning(1167): pointer points outside of underlying
  yycrank+-185, 0,              yyvstop+10,

"ncgen.l", line 1217: warning(1167): pointer points outside of underlying
  yycrank+-3,   yysvec+6,       0,      

"ncgen.l", line 1219: warning(1167): pointer points outside of underlying
  yycrank+-480, 0,              0,      

"ncgen.l", line 1228: warning(1167): pointer points outside of underlying
  yycrank+-598, 0,              yyvstop+111,

"ncgen.l", line 1375: warning(1167): pointer points outside of underlying
  yycrank+-1028,        0,              yyvstop+401,

"ncgen.l", line 1386: warning(1167): pointer points outside of underlying
  yycrank+-1038,        yysvec+199,     yyvstop+423,

"ncgen.l", line 1387: warning(1167): pointer points outside of underlying
  yycrank+-283, yysvec+199,     yyvstop+425,

"ncgen.y", line 1070: warning(1174): label "yynewstate" was declared but never

"ncgen.y", line 1297: warning(1174): label "yyerrlab" was declared but never

        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O escapes.c
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O getfill.c
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O close.c
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O genlib.c
cc -O main.o generate.o load.o ncgentab.o escapes.o getfill.o init.o close.o 
genlib.o ../libsrc/libnetcdf.a -o ncgen

returning to directory /usr/people/laschoo/netcdf-232pl2

making `all' in directory /usr/people/laschoo/netcdf-232pl2/nctest

        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O varget.c
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O vargetg.c
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O varput.c
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O varputg.c
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O vardef.c
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O vartests.c
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O vputget.c
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O vputgetg.c
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O driver.c
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O cdftests.c
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O dimtests.c
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O atttests.c
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O misctest.c
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O error.c
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O emalloc.c
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
        cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES -Dconst= -DNO_STDARG 
-DNO_STRERROR -O slabs.c
cc -O varget.o vargetg.o varput.o varputg.o vardef.o vartests.o vputget.o 
vputgetg.o driver.o cdftests.o dimtests.o rec.o atttests.o misctest.o add.o 
error.o emalloc.o val.o slabs.o ../libsrc/libnetcdf.a -o nctest
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in vartests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in varget.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in vartests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in vartests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in vartests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in vartests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in vartests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in vartests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in vartests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in vartests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in vartests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in vartests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in vartests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in vartests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in vartests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in vputget.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in vputget.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in vputgetg.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in vputgetg.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in vputgetg.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in cdftests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in cdftests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in cdftests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in cdftests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in cdftests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in cdftests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in cdftests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in cdftests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in cdftests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in cdftests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in dimtests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in dimtests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in dimtests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in dimtests.o's interface section does 
not match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in rec.o's interface section does not 
match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in rec.o's interface section does not 
match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in rec.o's interface section does not 
match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in rec.o's interface section does not 
match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in rec.o's interface section does not 
match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in rec.o's interface section does not 
match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in rec.o's interface section does not 
match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in rec.o's interface section does not 
match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in rec.o's interface section does not 
match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in rec.o's interface section does not 
match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in rec.o's interface section does not 
match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in rec.o's interface section does not 
match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in rec.o's interface section does not 
match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in rec.o's interface section does not 
match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in rec.o's interface section does not 
match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in rec.o's interface section does not 
match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
WARNING 107: fpmask for error specified in rec.o's interface section does not 
match the one in vartests.o's interface section. 
Giving up after printing 50 warnings.  Use -wall to print all warnings.

returning to directory /usr/people/laschoo/netcdf-232pl2

making `all' in directory /usr/people/laschoo/netcdf-232pl2/doc

returning to directory /usr/people/laschoo/netcdf-232pl2

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