Re: netcdf question

Hi Quinn,

> I typically write out a couple of meg's of data at the 
> beginning of the numerical computation, and this 
> normally takes about a minute or so if the code is 
> executing on the same cpu as the disk that is being written
> to.  But if the cpu and disk are different machines,
> then it takes over 30 minutes to perform the same writing.

I suspect you are appending a new record and using an ncsync() call after
every write.  In that case these anomalously large times are the result of
NFS behavior on synchronous writes and the fact that each write is updating
at least two disk blocks (one containing the number of records and one
containing the data), so caching isn't working well.

If the ncsync() calls are not necessary (and it sounds like they aren't),
you could see significant performance improvements by removing them, or
perhaps removing all but the last one.  For example, I just wrote a program
to write 2000 floating-point numbers, one at a time, to a record variable in
a netCDF file.  If I don't do an ncsync() call after each write, the time to
write all 2000 records to the file file on a remote disk is only about twice
what it is to write to a local disk:

                        local file      remote file

  no ncsync() call:     0.23 sec        0.42 sec

If I add an ncsync() call after each write, the time for writing to the
local file increases, but the time for writing the remote file increases
much more dramatically:

                        local file      remote file

     ncsync() call:     5.84 sec        196.87 sec

These example timings were run on a SPARCstation under Solaris 2.3 with
the remote disk being on a SPARCserver under SunOS 4.1.4.

> Can you tell me if its normal for netcdf to take a long
> time to write across the ethernet, and if there are any
> common pitfalls that people run into when trying to 
> do so?  I realize that this might be dependent on 
> my code, so if it would help you to see some of the 
> netcdf call's that I'm using, please let me know.

>From the above example, it's clear that the use of ncsync() can be costly,
especially when updating record variables on an NFS-mounted file.  The
NetCDF User's Guide advises:

    It can be expensive in computer resources to always synchronize to disk
    after every write of variable data or change of an attribute
    value. There are two reasons you might want to synchronize after writes:

          To minimize data loss in case of abnormal termination, or 

          To make data available to other processes for reading immediately
          after it is written. But note that a process that already had the
          file open for reading would not see the number of records increase
          when the writing process calls ncsync; to accomplish this, the
          reading process must call ncsync.

    Data is automatically synchronized to disk when a netCDF file is closed,
    or whenever you leave define mode.

Data is also synchronized to disk whenever the buffer used in the netCDF
implementation fills, so you should rarely need to use ncsync() unless for
one of the above reasons.


Russ Rew                                                UCAR Unidata Program
russ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                          P.O. Box 3000                          Boulder, CO 80307-3000

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