netcdf program use

I have a problem using the netcdf libraries in a application.
I use Microsoft quick C ver 2 and include netcdf.h . 
Both the xdr.lib and netcdf.lib libraries are included in the MAKE file.
When compiling, a linker error: __aFstkchk unresolved external appears
both when linking the XDR and the NETCDF libraries. I have tried all
possible versions of the standard libraries large and huge meodel, with and 
without xx87 support. I will be very grateful for any suggestions on
how to remedy the error. Please respond to: Bailey@xxxxxxxxxx or
on the telephone: 617377 8767.
Thanks very much for your help.

Jens Ostergaard
Phillips Laboratory/GPIA
Hanscom Afb MA01731.

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