Re: NetCDF Digest - Vol 1 : Issue 265

you should not have to store the exact dimension of the data you
are retrieving as a fortran parameter. the netcdf file contains
the size of the array you want to retrieve, so first you figure
out the size with ncvinq() (which gives you the dimension ids---
take these and find out the dimension sizes with ncdinq(), multiply
these together and you get the variable size), then you call ncvgt()
with the correct size (assuming you want the whole array; you can
also specify a hyperslab). this method allows you to dynamically
allocate the array space needed (in fortran 90 or C), or to specify
the maximum allowable size as a parameter statement (fortran 77).
this latter option sounds like the one you should try first, you
can't go wrong by just figuring out the variable sizes using ncdump(1)
and choosing the maximum size as the value for your parameter statement
that allocates the memory.
either way, you should be able to retrieve your arm data from multiple
different-size files without recompiling your program.
Charlie Zender                Tel: (303) 497-1612 
NCAR/CGD/CMS Rm ML-320        FAX: (303) 497-1324
P.O. Box 3000                 zender@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Boulder CO 80307-3000

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