Portability question

Hi Folks,

  I have a question regarding the portability of FORTRAN application programs
which rely on netcdf. Suppose I have a CDL which defines a given
variable as SHORT, say


    short var[dim]


Now, on my SGI I use 'ncgen' to create the corresponding FORTRAN code
and get

    integer*2 var(1)

which makes sense since the NC_SHORT data type takes 2 bytes. Now,
when I use 'ncgen' on the Cray C90 under unicos, I get the following:

    integer var(1)

My problem is that I'd like to have the same FORTRAN code to work on
both Cray and workstation. It appears that I'd have to have different
FORTRAN codes for each hardware, which somewhat defeats one of the
purposes of netCDF: portability.

   My questions:

   1. Am I missing something?
   2. Is there any way around short of using #IFDEFS?

   Any help greatly appreciated.



   |                                                                      |
   |             ^|^                ARLINDO MORAES DA SILVA, JR.          |
   |              |                 Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3  |
   |             _|_                NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center      |
   |      @  ___|___|__             Greenbelt, MD 20771                   |
   |     _|_|__________|_______/                                          |
   |    \  o o o o o o o  /         Office: (301) 805-7959                |
   |     \_______________/             FAX: (301) 805-7960                |
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   | E-mail: dasilva@xxxxxxxxxxxxx    Home: (301) 754-1121                |
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