Result into memory.

I'd like to use the netCDF library functions for the encoding part of a
transmission program. Moreover, I need to encode/decode my netCDF files as fast
as possible.
That's why i'm asking if there's an easy way to modify the library source code
so that it redirects the netCDF encoded output not into a file, but to the
 memory (for example an array of bytes, that i can manipulate later in my

Laurent NGUYEN                          
Intelligent Mechanisms Group            nguyen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
NASA Ames Research Center               laurent.nguyen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mail Stop 269-4                         [W] (415) 604-2089
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 (USA)      [H] (408) 735-1533

"It's only a game until you lose."

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