Re: netcdf and netscape webbrowser?

Put this in your .mailcap file:

  application/x-netcdf; /nfs/apbr1u5/home/meekj/aia/p_andi_chrom -p %s

and in the ./conf/mime.types file on your server add:

 application/x-netcdf           nc cdf

In my case, p_andi_chrom is a program that reads a netCDF file and then
pipes commands to xmgr, a general purpose data analysis and viewing

Most of my programs that deal with netCDF files and Web browsers
actually run on the http server. The netCDF module for Perl5 is very
helpful when building these applications. The applications make
various types of presentations including text, graphics (via PostScript
to gif conversion), and download to a Java applet for dynamic scaling
of data within the browser.


Jon Meek
American Cyanamid Company
PO Box 400 / Clarksville Road
Princeton, NJ 08543-0400

Voice: 609-716-2504

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