Hi All,
Really cool!
Dan Kelley, Jon Meek, Rich Signell, and William Weibel have been suggesting
some fantastic ideas! On their inspiration I decided to try a test hook up: how
to make Ferret into a Web application to analyze and visualize NetCDF files
directly from the Web. It works like a charm. The (very short) nitty gritty of
setting it up is below. Also some test sites with NetCDF data.
This illustrates some of the power of NetCDF as a file standard. It also
illustrates some of its limitations - especially regarding the lack of
standardization ... an opportunity to keep up the chatter on the standards
- steve
Here are some test sites where I had instant success with this technique:
("test.nc" is deliberately small for testing)
yes? shade sst[t=15-jan]
has a number of research-quality climate data sets with
fast access to data subsets - select any 1,2,3 or 4
dimensional region and ask for a NetCDF file.
The Climate Diagnostics Lab has an extensive NetCDF archive.
Sample navigation: select "Data Archives Overview"
then "a collection of metadata" then "coads1" then
"sea_level_pressure" then "slp.ltm.nc" (ltm refers to "Long
Term Mean" so this is a small file). There's lots of data
and it's well documented but most of the files are pretty
large for this type of browsing.
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University is
another big NetCDF data supplier. For a test navigation try
Data Library Tour->Finding a dataset->Datasets by Source->
Datasets by Source->CLIMAP->Last Glacial Maximum->Temperature->
Data Files->netCDF format
Here's how I to set up (hacked) to run Ferret as a Web helper:
1) in my home directory I created file netcdf_via_ferret with these
#! /bin/csh
source /home/r3/tmap/bin/ferret_paths
echo use \"$argv[1]\" >! $HOME/.ferret
echo show data >> $HOME/.ferret
/usr/bin/X11/xterm -e $FER_DIR/bin/ferret
Note: i) these paths are for OSF ... slight diffs on other systems
ii) make sure to "chmod +x netcdf_via_ferret"
iii) thie script over-writes your .ferret file
2) in ~/.mailcap add the line
application/x-netcdf; /home/rogue/hankin/tmp/dump_that_file %s
3) in ~/.mime.types add the line
application/x-netcdf nc cdf
You'll probably have to start up a fresh copy of your browser (Netscape) so it
rereads the .mailcap information.
Of course, all this assumes that Ferret is already installed on your system. If
it is not you can download it from
or ftp://abyss.pmel.noaa.gov/pub/
| NOAA/PMEL | ph. (206) 526-6080
Steve Hankin | 7600 Sand Point Way NE | FAX (206) 526-6744
| Seattle, WA 98115-0070 | hankin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx