My apologies for a couple of typos in the "setting up" portion of my previous
message. Here's a corrected version of that part of the message:
Here's what I set up (hacked) to run Ferret as a Web helper:
1) in my home directory I created file netcdf_via_ferret with these
#! /bin/csh
source **insert-your-path**/ferret_paths
echo USE \"$argv[1]\" >! .ferret
echo SHOW DATA >> .ferret
/usr/bin/X11/xterm -e $FER_DIR/bin/ferret
This script writes the two lines
USE "/tmp/filename.cdf"
into the .ferret file of your $HOME directory.
Note: i) these paths are for OSF ... slight diffs on other systems
ii) make sure to "chmod +x netcdf_via_ferret"
iii) thie script over-writes your .ferret file
2) in ~/.mailcap add the line
application/x-netcdf; netcdf_via_ferret %s
3) in ~/.mime.types add the line
application/x-netcdf nc cdf
You'll probably have to start up a fresh copy of your browser (Netscape) so it
rereads the .mailcap information.
| NOAA/PMEL | ph. (206) 526-6080
Steve Hankin | 7600 Sand Point Way NE | FAX (206) 526-6744
| Seattle, WA 98115-0070 | hankin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx