Re: NetCDF Java interface?

 >"Russ" == Russ Rew <russ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

 > Tom Glaess asks:
 >> Does anyone know if Unidata is working on a Java interface to NetCDF?

 > We're planning a Java interface for netCDF, but we haven't done any
 > significant work on it yet.  The initial Java interface may be read-only.
 > This would still permit writing netCDF browsers and visualization tools
 > in Java.


 > I'm interested in hearing about other efforts to provide Java interfaces to
 > netCDF data or array-oriented data visualization tools in Java.

I have been talking to a number of people involved with the distributed
oceanographic data system (DODS) about building Java browsers which could be
used to display data made available with DODS data servers. However, no
decision has been made as to how sophisticated these should be, nor have we
begun planning when they would actually be built. DODS currently supports the
netCDF API (on both the client and server side - as well as other APIs) so
these interfaces, if built, would support reading data from netCDF data
files as wells as other types of datasets.

I should stress that we are just talking about this now and don't have any
concrete plans. However, I'd be very interested in hearing what people think
of the idea of Java interfaces to data - how valuable would those interfaces
be to researchers? Suppose that an analysis program like Ferret or IDL
could be used to read the same dataset - would the Java browsers still
be useful?


James Gallagher                  The Distributed Oceanographic Data System

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