netcdf under win95

Hello netcdf experts,
     I am new in netcdf.  I got three problems.
I just download netcdf-2.4.1-Win32.tar.gz file,which include built xdr.lib and 
netcdf.lib.  I am using win95 w/ msvc++ 4.0. I try to write a simple program to 
create netcdf data file.  While I compile and link it, I got error messages
  (xdrposix.obj) unsolved extern ntohl
  (xdrposix.obj) unsolved extern htonl

and xdrposix.obj is inside netcdf.lib.  Thus, I think it might need to add

extern long ntohl(long);
extern long htonl(long);
extern short ntohs(short );
extern short htons(short );

in xdr.h.  Then I need to recompile and link again.  To re-build xdr.lib is no 
problem at all.  But while I re-build netcdf.lib, I got a lot of error messages 
from xdrposix.c, for instances

undefine O_EXCL

Then I trace it and find out O_EXCL is from winnt_io.h, shown belown

#define O_EXCL _O_EXCL

that is the final place I found O_EXCL.  I don't know where O_EXCL defined. In 
a word, I couldn't re-build netcdf.lib w/o any problem.  Is there any one who 
re-build netcdf.lib under msvc++ 4.0 w/ win95?

2) while I run ncdump.exe under win95, I got run-time error form win95.  I 
don't know why.  ncdump.exe is directly from netcdf-2.4.1-Win32.tar.gz.
Where can I find the format of netCDF file, for instance, from byte 0-2 is CDF 
(cdf id, I think) and from byte 4-? means ??

Thank you in advance

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