Problem with datatype UNLIMITED

Hello netCDF users !

I have a problem with the UNLIMITED datatype.

If I create a new netCDF file with this datatype, it looks like this:

netcdf test.cdf {
        dim1 = 1 ;
        dim5 = 5 ;
        dim12 = 12 ;
        dim30 = 30 ;
        dim50 = 50 ;
        dim2 = 2 ;
        dim8 = 8 ;
        dimUL = UNLIMITED ; // (0 currently)


Why is it '0 currently'?

Everything works fine, if I do not use the datatype. But if I try to work with
variables of this type, I got several error messages, e.g. edge length 0.

I think I make something wrong creating this datatype. So, what is the right 

Thanks in advance.


    ( o )            "Paddington on the Rocks"                                  
    (_)-(_)          Tim Weilkiens, Kiel, Germany                               
       /  \/\           Tim.Weilkiens@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                           
  /\  /      \           tim-w@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                      
 /  \/        \    

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